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Sidmouth Manor Pavilion Theatre - An Inspector Calls (with James Pellow)

Folks who know me very well often say, kindly I think, that I should get out more. I’m a grumpy old sod at the best of times and in the ...

Sunday, 13 May 2012

The Talented Mr Ripley (Dunstable Rep)

Justin Doherty turns in a mesmerising tour de force in the Rep’s atmospheric production of The Talented Mr Ripley. As the clouds roll and the music haunts, his cold eyed and callous killer totally convinces. Phyllis Nagy’s adaptation of the Patricia Highsmith novel is short on pace but long on mood and Mr Doherty gets splendid support from Jenna Ryder-Oliver and Malcolm Farrar as his victim’s gullible parents. Some of the supporting cast need to up their game for the second week but, overall, Alan Clarke’s faithful presentation held a pretty tight grip. Roy Hall

Full review to follow

Runs to Saturday 19th May (7.45pm) – Little Theatre, High Street, Dunstable.

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